Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thinking of England

Inspired by Twangy Pearl, Sugar presents an artist's rendition of last Tuesday's inspermination:

Note, please:

- Funny Socks
- Good Luck Thumb Ring on left hand
- Comfort Items Worthy Of A First-Rate Nerd: a hardback, high-ish brow, dystopian novel (quite excellent, by the way -- and while it is grim, I was at least reading the chapter titled "Pollination," which seemed apt), cell phone, and trusty journal. With pen. You never know.

Your wonderful well-wishings were folded up and tucked in the book. I got them out at the word "tenaculum."

But wait, you say. Didn't you need those buoying comments precisely because Sugar wasn't able to accompany you? How does she know what it looked like?

Well, because on this snowy evening, I have just now been re-enacting the scene on our living room couch*. Yes, I put the socks back on and everything. The Society for Creative Anachronism's got nothin' on us.

Next time someone asks what exactly it is lesbians do, perhaps I will tell them about this.

Happy Snow Day, everybody. Check out what the other kids are up to on Mel's Show and Tell.

*NB: our couch does not have stirrups. Fear not. Also, full disclosure: I was really wearing a zip-up cardigan, like the nerd professor I am.


  1. Great drawing. I love the zip-up cardigan, if for comfort, if not for style.

  2. The details are awesome -- the socks, the book, the cardigan.

    Glad Sugar "got it," and I hope you did, too.

  3. I so love this story! The rendition, the nerdy-ness...everything!! Wishing you the best of luck!

  4. That's awesome that you did a reenactment! For the sake of art, of course...

  5. Great drawing. What a great story too.

  6. Awesome rendering. I just love you guys, youre such a trip!

  7. ROFL...I absolutely LOVE that you re-enacted it! Great drawing.

  8. OMG-- if you put this up on Etsy, I will buy a print. Really. And when Simone asks about how babies are made, this is what I'm getting out-- just like my mom got out Charlie Brown's Encyclopedia of Your Body.

  9. The drawing is amazing. No stirrups on the couch ?! That's disappointing...:)

  10. Brilliant! Brilliant, brilliant!
    Yes, that is what we artists "do". Hee!
    More, please?

  11. Beautiful! Love that Sugar was able to live it through your re-enactment!

  12. Wow, that is the coolest inspermination drawing I have ever seen. Sugar is gifted!

  13. this has officially become my desktop background
